10 Reasons To Use Breathwork For Covid (Both for Recovery and Prevention)
Let’s explore the role that conscious breathing can play in prevention and recovery of Covid.
Let’s explore the role that conscious breathing can play in prevention and recovery of Covid.
A few simple breathing exercises and techniques to help you get your breathing into good shape!
What if we allowed our expanded levels of awareness, presence, and thinking from our “non-ordinary” states to become our “ordinary” state, or even better, to become our “extraordinary” state of being?
Breathwork is a practice that bridges ancient wisdom with modern science to raise your energy, your frequency.
There are ways to navigate stress, and breathwork is one of the most impactful and yet easy practices to incorporate into your work week.
My life is divided into two spans: before breathwork (BB), and after breathwork (AB). This is why breathwork is psychedelic and how a class typically goes.
By understanding the link between our breath and our digestive system, as well as how to properly breathe for optimal levels of stress, we can improve our gut health.
Besides breathing, grieving is one of the most natural things that we do. We are designed with the capacity to grieve, and we intuitively know how to do it. Yes, it is sad, gut-wrenching, and hurts our hearts, but it is organic. Thus, grieving is not the problem, it is our relationship to it, a relationship that is largely impacted by the societal undervaluing of vulnerability.
The breath reconnects us to ourselves. It heals us. It allows us to tap into who we truly are. However, it is often left on autopilot, leaving us to pay little attention to the depth or quality of our breathing. When we can begin to consciously alter our breathing patterns to encompass deeper rhythmic breaths, we can see shifts in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual landscapes. In fact, breathwork is one of the fastest and most powerful ways to shift our energy, or our frequency.