Set and Setting for Breathwork, Plant Medicine, and Psychedelics
Both set and setting are involved forces that shape the overall psychedelic experience, whether that be through psychedelic substances themselves, plant medicine, or breathwork.
Both set and setting are involved forces that shape the overall psychedelic experience, whether that be through psychedelic substances themselves, plant medicine, or breathwork.
As breathwork allows us to both revisit our experiences safely and integrate our insights, it can serve as a potent tool to support and enhance psychedelic experiences.
Breathwork can often result in transpersonal psychedelic experiences – comparable to experiences induced by MDMA and psilocybin therapies.
Because of breathwork’s inherent ability to help us drop into and observe our internal landscape, we are able to bring attention to the areas where trauma is being held.
As we raise our consciousness, we connect more deeply to trees and their consciousness.
Teaching breathwork to children while they’re still young will offer them positive coping skills to utilize for the rest of their lives.
Breathwork has the ability to take us on a journey, to transport us into non-ordinary states of consciousness that are thought to be typically accessed either with psychedelics or plant medicine.
Although the gifts of breathwork are many, here is a list of ten that we’ve compiled to show just how incredible breathwork truly is!
Let’s explore the role that conscious breathing can play in prevention and recovery of Covid.