10 Benefits of Transformational Breathwork for Anxiety, Stress, and Burnout

10 Benefits of Transformational Breathwork for Anxiety, Stress, and Burnout In today’s demanding world, many of us feel caught in a cycle of anxiety, stress, and burnout. The weight of responsibilities, endless to-do lists, and emotional challenges can leave us feeling disconnected from ourselves and the present moment. But what if there was a simple, […]

10 Reasons To Choose Breathwork over Meditation

2020 has quickly become the year of all things breath related, from Covid-19’s attack on our lungs and needing to breath through a mask, to the Black Lives Matter slogan #ICantBreathe, from the last words of Eric Garner, to the book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor. We no longer can take our breath for granted. The truth is, we should never have taken our breath for granted.